Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Play Vs Book

I'm very quiet during the class as many of you may have noticed. I have lots of interesting ideas but during class I rather not talk cause I learn by listening. Well I went to the play which was fabulous. I sat up on stage which gave me a new perspective. I've never seen a play from the stage and I have been to a lot of plays. I think movies and plays explain a lot more about a book than just reading the book. I would love to compare and contrast the book to the play in more depth like we did in class today. I found sitting up on the stage brought you into the play and also made you pay attention a lot more to the detail. I am the one who brought up the idea of claustrophobia in the book. The play brought that really to life.

So I couldn't figure out how to start this next section but now I do. I ended up going to lunch and talking to my two friends about how other countries try and be more like western culture. The play portrayed this very well. Just the fact that they had Rio coming back and seeing everything that happened in the past. The soap opera hosts giving a running commentary throughout the play and then ending with Rio talking about how this is the Philippines soap opera. The fact that she adapted the book in to the play shows what she wanted you really to understand. Seeing her real idea instead of trying to interpret the book is really interesting. My personal interpretation of the book was sort of similar to the play but also different.

It was different in the fact that joey and Lolita Luna did not parallel each other in the play and yet they did in the book. The claustrophobia in the play was much more apparent from the stage perspective. It also made the book a lot harder to read. it does read more like a movie script than a novel that has character development. The character development in the book is more on the relationships than actual movement of characters from one point at the beginning of the book till the end. Well Pucha sort of develops as a character. The fact that Rio states in the play that she can not stay cause she does not belong is very interesting. But then at the end of the play she says I make many trips back each year is even more interesting. And the prayer at the end of the book doesn't seem that deep but in the play it is extremely moving and painful to hear that prayer. She should of explained what was happening while the prayer was being said.

This is similar to my essay topic so if you have any input about this subject please respond so I can have input on narrowing down my essay topic.

Madison Beck

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